link to Linda’s latest “Coast to Coast” interview with George Noory …Jan 2011
The Economy:
I have been informed that in 2013, an agreement between the U.S. and Russia will expire. This agreement, known as “HEU’LEU’ has been allowing us to convert 500 metric tons of Soviet-era warheads into uranium. We have been using this designated uranium in our nuclear energy plants. Technically, this comprises about 10% of our energy. The Obama administration and the Dept. of Energy are lobbying congress for about $36 billion to address this crisis. China is busy buying up uranium mines all over the world. With oil prices (as has been predicted on this site) soaring, the American dollar falling in value, the world community looking for another global currency other than the dollar, uranium looks like a good buy. I think that down the road, there will be a breakthrough in energy beyond fossil fuels. But until we get to that point, nuclear energy will be more in demand than ever.
On March 4th, the transiting North Node goes in to Sagittarius where it will be until Aug. 30th 2012. In certain parts of the country, the real estate market will improve since this transit, in the past, has corresponded with rising real estate values. My take is that the banks that have been tragically non-compliant with the need to refinance real estate loans will begin to “mark to market” and make deals to refinance underwater loans. Because this depression is serious and will not likely bottom until about 2020, I do not think this heralds another “boom”, but it could help to forge compromises that plugs up some holes in the sinking ship of real estate. This month, however, with Mars transiting Pisces, and more financial scandals coming to the surface, things will get worse before they get better.
The transit of Mars in Pisces is running up inflation and the price of oil and gas. Floods and climate extremes are causing food shortages. The wet weather this month is also problematic. The government’s economic indicators are confusing and seem to have no correspondence with reality. The week of March 13th, Mercury is square Pluto and Mars is inconjunct Saturn, pointing to grave economic consequences. Mars is square the Nodes the week of the 27th pointing to environmental crises, unstable tectonic events, and flooding. All of this is not good for the economy.
I have predicted that there will be revolutions brewing in China. This past week, there have been reports that preparations are being made by the Communist government there, to squelch rebellions. I think that China will lose control over this in 2012 as Jupiter returns to its place when the 1989 revolution took place. As the Chinese people develop a first rate economy, they are going to want democracy as their labor force is working for very little and their environment is a pollution disaster. Thus, I think it is risky to invest in China at this point.
Gold and silver rose last month, as I had predicted. Silver is on the rise just to catch up with nearly a decade of gold increasing in dollar values. My opinion is that gold and silver are a safety play against the falling valuation of the dollar. They are not an “investment” in the traditional sense of the word. People will have to endure wild fluctuations in these prices as the world is increasingly unstable and currencies are increasingly unreliable. It may be time to put money into other more stable currencies like in Germany, Australia, Switzerland, and Canada, all of which are rising against the dollar. I still think that energy and commodity related stocks are the way to go. There will be a new technological product released between the 24th and 27th of this month.
Needless to say, as a government shutdown over the budget is threatened, this is pretty much a “cursed” month for politics in Washington and throughout the country. I think they will pass a temporary extension in order to not shut down, but people are beginning to “wake up” to the nightmare and organize themselves into revolutionary bodies. Mercury will go retrograde on the 30th (through April 23rd), delaying solutions. I do not think that any kind of clarity will emerge until between May and June when planets transit into Taurus.
Global Tectonics:
On Feb. 21st, a 6.3 catastrophic earthquake struck in the heart of Christ Church, New Zealand. A volcano, Mt. Bulusam is erupting in the Phillippines. A series of earth “shakings” have been occurring in the area of famous New Madrid fault in Missouri. Between the 14th and 30th of this month, I think there will be another significant event as Mercury is square Pluto and Mars is square the transiting lunar Nodes. The comet Elenin is coming closest to earth on March 15th. Last year, when it came close, the great earthquake in Chile occurred. There could be massive floods, tsunamis, high winds all along coastal regions throughout the world. As I have warned in the past, we need to be inland to places of elevation in communities that can survive on a localized basis.
Final Thoughts:
I think the single most important failure in American affairs is the corporate media. When Charlie Sheen’s cracked-up brain, Lindsey Lohan’s court appearances, and a million inane product ads dominate radio and television at every turn, the greatest tool of all time is reduced to a kind of collective anesthesia. Printed news and literature seems to be going down the tubes as Borders goes bankrupt, leading newspapers downsize or go out of business and journalistic integrity – the heart of effective democracy – is a species about to go extinct. Reading about subjects that are profound, have depth of thinking involved, debate issues and themes of our times with a degree of intelligence, all seem to be disappearing.
Facebook and Twitter are not going to save us. In fact, they may contribute to another cherished human right going extinct – privacy. Out of curiosity, I got onto Facebook and Twitter. They have contributed nothing to my life, either positively or negatively. Young people are wrecking their cars while texting, texting while eating lunch ignoring any human presence around them, and carrying their computers and their spawn around with them, their heads buried in websites, gaming sites, and emails. On the positive side, online newsletters are among the greatest resources of real news; at least those that are not dependant upon corporate financing. Of course, they struggle month to month to raise just enough money from their readers to keep going. The loss of “internet equality” may make it too expensive for the best of these sites to continue.
Yet, amidst all of this, I have hope that, as Uranus goes into Aries marching toward its square with Pluto, we will demand more truth, more justice, more transparency. As the framework for our societies dissolves and is exposed, we will be reminded of our responsibility to govern ourselves, and to create a new economic system that acts in concert with the living earth and in cooperation with one another. Most of all, new frameworks of reality and consciousness will inspire us to change everything. Thus, our amazing technologies may play a part in the greatest revolution of all; the human spirit.
Linda Schurman